I still do think that my stay at Hendrix was the best and the longest holidays I have ever had, but I want to explain why.
Since I remember I was working and studying and doing tons of things in the same time. Then I went to Hendrix to spend my semester abroad there. I end up in a very small town in Arkansas, on the beautiful campus, with sunny weather, where people were enjoying their lives. I didn’t have to work (even I couldn’t because of my visa status), I didn’t have to worry about such a things like cooking, cleaning, traffic jams, permanent ringing phone which I was afraid to answer, deadlines, budgets, invoices and many more.
At Hendrix I had just my studies. I have chosen four classes I really loved: Introduction to Film Studies, American Parties and Elections, Model UN and Conflict Management and Resolution. I had homework (it is hard to say if it was a lot or not), but this kind of homework it is a pure pleasure. We had to read a lot. And what is more relaxing then sitting in the shadow in the sunny day and read good book. Maybe in the beginning I was a bit frustrated, because I have found few mistakes in one book (so I have written to the publisher), but when I got such a book as “The Prince of the Marshes” by Rory Stewart, I couldn’t stop reading.
I had papers to write as well, but most of the time I had a feeling that I can express myself. Mostly I was walking around with the topic in my head and analyzing what I want to write, what I think in this topic, what is important to me. Then I was making additional research and finally writing. I was writing in the library, which was the social place, you could always find friends there who wants to have a break with you.
I still think that I had the best holidays in my life. And it is not because I was doing nothing, I was doing a lot, but I was doing things that I like a lot. I am happy because finally I have learnt what studying really means! And the life on the campus it was like the summer camp, a lot of people living together, eating together, partying together, studying together, and the biggest worry was how to dress up for Haloween.
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