Monday, September 1, 2008

watch parties - Obama speech

One of the very interesting things which I am all the time in touch with in US are presidencial elections. I like that on my campus they are organizing something calles "watch parties" so meeting where people can watch some interesting events connected with elections and as well discuss it and eat something:)

Last Thuersday we were watching Obama first speech after he was formally choosen for an official candidate for president of United States by Democrats. His speech was very good and a lot of people were aplauzing it all the time during our small party, including the huge ovations in the end.

What he was talking about...

The speech was focused mostly on the domestic policy. There is a big interests in the society in economy and he spend a lot of time on this issue. For me the most controversial was his idea of reducing the taxex for families. In US they have bracket taxes, which according to my ideas is not equal at all. As well everybody knows that if one taxes will be reduced there should e ones which will increase, so why to do it?

It was talking about a lot of social issues like health care for everybody and the easier acces to education. He mentioned that everybody who is serving country or state should have possibility for collage education.

What I have really enjoyed it was his focused on sustainable development, we was talking a lot about new soursec of energy and the need of environmental protection. Afterwords me mentioned about such an issues like reducing poverty and disises and climate change.

Why I think the speech was very good one

Firstly we have to focuse on the aim of this speech, so has to get the votes of around 20% of poeple who are in the center and who are not convinces who to vote. Therefore he had to make his speech more conservative as usually and he did. For example he toucht the topic of gay and lesbians and their rights. He said that maybe there is not yet the time for gey marridges but it is the time to give rights for the partners to visit each other in hospitals or pay taxes together. What might be interpretated as his agreement on formal legalization of partherships. As well he said "we will not agree on abortion but we could agree on reducing a number of unwanted pregnencies".

So here you can see that this difficult topics he addressed to both conservative and liberal voters.

Secondly the aim for sure was to show the difference between him and McCain. What he have done is he address his speech to avarage Americans, via showing that he is one of them. We was speaking a lot abbout his family and his background (he was from devorced family raised just by working mother), which makes him understanding more needs of people. HE said as well that he doesn't have "Washington background", he didn't have any careere there and McCain did have. With this he showed that we want to be a politician who will change the country and not just make a careere in Washington.

He finish his speech with words "Elections are not about me, it's about you" and "change will come to Washington"

Lastly, the speech was not negative, he didn't want to make black campaing. As well is was very gender correct.

What I didn't like

There was once sentecne which made me angry on him. It was: "Keep nuclear weapons out of hends of terrorists". We can ask each other who has nuclear weapons? Just countris like USA, France, Israel, India, Pakistan, North Corea and Iran (and maybe more more which I forgot right now). So telling keep the nuclear weapon out of hends of terrorists is for me statemen that there are some countries which he thinks they are terroristic. Abd abviously even if in some countries terrorists live we can not say that all the people living in the country are terrorists. Because in all those countries I mentioned avarage people wants just peace!

Maybe he said that because Americans expected it. I have no idea if it was with purpose or not. If saying that it was mistake or he wanted to make this statement to fulfil americans needs.

I am looking foreward for McCain speech. I will comment is as well...


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